Addiction treatment isn’t necessarily a rigid framework. Sure, some big-ticket, broad boxes need to be checked in any treatment program, like getting through detox, for example. Inpatient, outpatient, behavioral, etc. treatment are standards as well. Inside those large silos is a lot of wiggle room though because the treatment process is always suited to individual needs.

That means a lot of rehab facilities are starting to embrace holistic addiction treatment therapies. These don’t replace the traditional, time-honored approaches to addiction but work as add-ons or compliments that often work to improve the results. The reason being is that they break things down to an even more thoroughly personal experience. Treatment centers often use the word “holistic”, when they offer alternative therapies, it’s a good sign they mean it. At Lake Arrowhead Recovery Network’s drug addition center in California, we’d like to share with you more information regarding holistic addiction treatment. 

Types of Holistic Addiction Treatment


Yoga & Mindfulness

It’s become increasingly common to see some type of mindfulness training, most often yoga, being added to holistic treatment for drug addiction and it’s quite clear to see why. Yoga forces a patient to focus their mind on their breathing and their bodies. It’s very deliberate in the way it commands your attention.

According to the American Holistic Health Association it can “contribute to a greater sense of control in more acute states when experiencing cravings, insomnia, and agitation”. Connecting your body and mind, in other words, creates a stronger sense of self-discipline and can reduce stress in moments when triggered.


Art Therapy

Let’s quickly address the elephant in the room, you don’t have to be a good artist or even an artist at all to get the substantial benefits of art therapy. This type of holistic addiction treatment is really meant to promote and celebrate self-expression. It focuses the mind on the process of creation and the emotions associated with it.



This has a more futuristic feel to it. During a biofeedback session, electrical sensors are attached to a patient to measure various processes in the body. There are many methods, some of the more familiar measures; brain waves (EEG), heart rate (ECG) and muscle contraction (EMG).

The idea is that there are certain, involuntary functions that a person can gain control of through the use of biofeedback therapy. It can help you with things like; anxiety, blood pressure, headaches, swearing and more related to your addiction.



Your mind may have gone straight to acupuncture when you read the headline. It’s understandable. Acupuncture is possibly the most visible and certainly the most eye-catching of the alternative therapies out there. You see it offered in spas and on cruise ships these days.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice and involves inserting thin needles into strategic points on the body, the goal of the procedure is to balance the flow of energy or chi.  Addiction throws the energy of your body totally out of whack and this is a chemical-free way to encourage a realignment of sorts. Acupuncture has also anecdotally been linked to increases in dopamine which is a positive as that’s the chemical associated with pleasure.


Fine Holistic Addiction Treatment With Us

This is just a small sample of the many holistic treatments for drug addiction available. It’s a whole new facet of treatment and you’re well within your rights to feel a little overwhelmed by having so many choices. That said, you don’t need to do the research alone, at Lake Arrowhead Recovery Network’s California recovery center, a certified advisor, well versed in all these therapies and more who can walk you through each. Not just a surface, 30,000-foot view either, an in-depth discussion on what each one is and if it’s right for you or your loved one. Get in touch with us today to learn more.

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